The initial political attempt and the evolutionary accomplishment of Pakhtoonwali were the commencement of a social and economic revolution. This prevented the growth of slavery in the Pakhtoon society and led the social development straight from the first commune of people to feudal social structure. The main instigator power of this revolution was the code of Sialy (equality) of Pakhtoonwali. While escalating feudalism, particularly after the 7 th century, Pakhtoonwali waged its struggle for a more advance political organization (state government).
1. The Early Political Attempt or The First Pakhtoon Nationalism
Pakhtoonwali took some evolutionary steps as a socio-political organization in history. Prior to the rise of Islam and during its early years, it independently managed well all the social affairs. Pakhtoonwali established local governments in different areas extending from Central Asia to South Asia and took on progressive shape. It did not lag behind contemporary development movements; but lent a significant contribution to the socio-economic status. This was in fact a new chapter in the region’s history.
By establishing certain local governments, Pakhtoonwali competed well on social and economic grounds. As a base of the afghan social structure, it actively participated in competition on regional and world levels. It took developing steps on economic and social scales and founded polities, empires, kingdoms and federations in the region.
In a defined political geography, with national sovereignty, an advanced and rich culture and a long ancient history, the foundation of a Pakhtoon state was definitely an evolutionary accomplishment. The Pakhtoon nation achieved this stage for the first time in the 12the century with the foundation of the Ghorid Polity. This prime evolutionary step was in fact the first Pakhtoon political nationalism.